What’s the Biggest Health Problem Facing Kids? — Survey of the Day
It’s probably safe to say that kids these days aren’t as healthy as youngsters have been in the past.
But of all the health risks that children of the 21st century face, which poses the biggest threat?
The University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health asked 2,144 adults to rate whether or not 20 different health concerns are a big problem for children and teens in their community.
Not getting enough exercise topped the list by being cited as a big problem by 39 percent of those surveyed. That was followed by childhood obesity (38 percent), smoking and tobacco use (34 percent), drug abuse (33 percent) and bullying (28 percent.)
Stress (27 percent), alcohol abuse (23 percent), teen pregnancy (23 percent), internet safety (22 percent) and child abuse and neglect (20 percent) rounded out the top 10.