The second episode of the second season of Fox's The Masked Singer aired on Wednesday, October 2, with the costumed Panda being revealed as none other than Laila Ali. Ali performed Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)," for her first performance.

The clue used during her package, "papa bear," referred to Ali's father, 3-time World Heavyweight Champion, Muhammad Ali. The second clue, the bee reference, was a nod to her father's iconic quote, "float like a butterfly sting like a bee."

Ali performed with an excess of padding in the panda suit, making it harder for the four judges to guess who was under the mask. The costume featured a lightly colored beanie, jacket, and sweats. None of the judges guessed Panda's true identity, correctly. A few theories included Queen Latifah, Serena Williams or Loni Love.

Panda and Leopard had the lowest votes of the night, sending them to the "Smackdown," where they performed to keep their identities a secret. In the end, Panda lost the battle.

Host Nick Cannon told the audience that the masked singers have collectively, "69 Emmy Award nominations, 42 Grammy Award nominations, 22 Broadway shows, three New York Times best-sellers and two have been named Time magazine’s Most Influential People.”

The Masked Singer airs on Wednesdays at 8 PM ET on Fox.

See clips of the final two's performances, below!

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