These days, most folks on a search for love turn to or a similar internet dating site. If you're a nudist like this dude, though, you might need to try a less traditional tactic. 

82-year-old Sandy McCullogh is a little more old school, and so he decided to take a more handwritten approach to his search for a wife.

The Corvallis, Oregon man walks around town with a sign around his neck that reads "Wanted: A Wife" followed by his requirements for a spouse, which include: being over 60, living in the same town, loving books and having a great sense of humor.

McCulloch, a published author, got the idea from a friend who is a hospital greeter who told him that hospitals are full of single women looking for husbands. (Use that intel in whichever way you deem fit.) He first debuted his sign at a local fair, and it was a big hit.

“The response was rather amazing and delightful,” he said. “It’s the closest I’ve ever come to being a rock star in a room full of people.”

So far McCulloch has gotten a lot of approval for his novel approach to finding a mate, but he hasn't met any potential wives. The only woman he spent a substantial amount of time talking to since instituting the sign strategy turned out to be under his age requirement.

“In all honesty, I don’t know if this will lead to anything," McCulloch explained. "If nothing else, it has been a lot of fun.” Old dudes are just the best.

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