A bride-to-be whose name hasn't been revealed emailed out a lengthy missive to her ten potential bridesmaids, telling them exactly what would be required of them if they accepted her invitation to be in her wedding party. The demands were so outrageous, causing it to go viral.
Airing right after Super Bowl XXII in 1988, the much-hyped pilot for 'The Wonder Years' made an immediate impression. After just six episodes the show was awarded an Emmy for Best Comedy Series, and its 13-year old star Fred Savage became the youngest ever performer to be nominated for Best Actor in a Comedy Series.
Seven Heartwarming Videos of Surprise Military Homecomings
Memorial Day was created to commemorate all the American servicemembers who have died while serving our country. With so many military men and women currently on dangerous overseas assignments, it's also a time to think about their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their families back home.
Taco Bell Waffle Tacos Are Coming to Make You Fatter
The Official White House Tumblr sounds like a parody website that would be full of political snark and GIFs. But it's not a parody. The recently launched page is actually the official Tumblr for the White House. Like, for real.
But that doesn't mean there isn't snark and GIFs...
Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Cause High School Lockdown
If you spend a lot of time with high school students you should be pretty well acquainted with Taco Bell.
Which is why it's surprising that the delicious fast food was able to cause so much confusion at Del Campo High School in Sacramento, California.
Last year dog owners gained a venue on which to extract some revenge on their misbehaving pooches with the Dogshaming Tumblr.
Now, with the Bunny Shaming Facebook page, folks with pet rabbits have a place to turn when their furballs make trouble.
A.J. Clemente's first day at his new job couldn't have gone any worse. The new weekend news anchor for KFYR, the NBC affiliate in Bismarck, North Dakota, managed to kick off his on-air career with a live mic gaffe consisting of two of the seven dirty words which George Carlin famously explained you can never say on television.
Usually when Facebook draws the ire of the collective internet it's because it's made a change to its format. But this time it's one of the social network giant's TV commercials that has the Web firing off a barrage of negative comments.
It's becoming harder and harder to pull a good April Fool's Day prank. We blame the internet for this, as not long after you log on you are reminded of the tricky nature of April 1 and thus put your guard up.
Real Life Bart Simpson Appeared Before a Judge Named Mr. Burns
Last year a man from England named Bart Simpson was arrested for having a firearm in an airport. Simpson is 56, so you can't blame his parents for giving him the kind of name that would result in ridicule and, eventually, a life of crime. ('The Simpsons' has been on for that long. It only seems like it.)
It was just fate that he ended up with the same name as a cartoon troublemaker. And when his t
Woman Gets Back at Cheating Husband With Humorous Craigslist Ad