X’ylia Loves Learning!!
Back To School Has Never Been So Full Contest is in full swing!! X'ylia won a pizza from Peter Piper Pizza! Here is what was said about X'ylia, "She's only 3, and has been ready since she was first told she was going. She wakes up bright and early, grabs her bag, and has to look her best. She loves learning, knows her colors, how to count, and has an amazing personality. She;s definitely on the road to success !" Way to go Xylia!
We are down to the countdown for Back To School! Peter Piper Pizza and Q92 The Beat are teaming up for a giveaway. Each week we want to see photos of your kids with their school gear, sporting their new clothes/kicks, and school supplies. Winners will be selected every week beginning this Friday through September 14th. If your photo is selected, you will win a delicious pizza from Peter Piper Pizza. Back to school has never been so full this year!