Austin Has A Shelter-In-Place Order Ready
If you are unfamiliar with what a shelter-in-place order is, it is a call for citizens to pretty much just stay inside at all times in your residence unless you absolutely have to leave. What does this mean for our area? Well, originally this was implemented in California by Gov. Gavin Newsom and with Austin putting this in place that means it will probably be happening in your area, too. The recommendation of a shelter-in-place order came from the Austin Public Health by Dr. Mark Escott, who is the interim Austin-Travis Country Health Authority. Dr. Mark Escott says he will continue to find other solutions to aid the public health that will result in even more restrictions for residents of Austin and Travis County.
Austin Mayor, Steve Adler, said that it will be up to the decision of health officials if a shelter-in-place order needs to take place. This is another way to halt, or at the very least slow, the spread of COVID-19 and take more measures to ensure Social Distancing. Social gatherings around the area have been restricted to prevent the virus from spreading and steps have been taken to ensure the citizens can still get the supplies they need so they don't run out while they are indoors. So, at this moment you really need to remember those persons who are working to deliver orders to people's homes so a supply chain can function. For more information on this, check out the article from Statesman by clicking here. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has more to say on this matter, and you can listen to what he has to say in the video below.