Barbie Accused Of Murder By Greenpeace for Killing the Rainforest [VIDEO]
[/caption]Barbie has cold blood running through her coarse plastic veins.
Greenpeace has accused the iconic American doll of being a murderer in a new video aimed at bringing awareness to the way Mattel packages the blonde bombshell.
The environmental group claims Mattel is ruining the rainforest in Indonesia. Greenpeace spokesman Bustar Maitar says, "Barbie is trashing rainforests and pushing critically endangered wildlife, like tigers, toward extinction."
He added, "Mattel...must stop wrapping the world's most famous toy in rainforest destruction."
The video in question features Barbie's longtime boy-toy, Ken, flipping out after learning the awful truth about his main squeeze.
He certainly won't stand for dating such a devious creature. On Tuesday, protesters unfurled a banner at Mattel's headquarters announcing Ken is dumping Barbie. The stunt resulted in several arrests. No word on whether Ken plans to bounce back by joining or if Barbie will try to save some money by trying to find a roommate in her dream house.