
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Which Flavors Are Resting In the Ben & Jerry’s Graveyard?
Do remember Makin’ Whoopie Pie? You could buy that Ben & Jerry’s flavor, which was chocolate ice cream augmented by marshmallows and devil’s food cooks, 10 years ago. Unfortunately, the concoction didn’t prove popular enough and the Vermont-based ice cream makers laid Makin’ Whoopie Pie to rest in 2003. Literally.
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
10 of the Best (and Oddest) Deep-Fried Foods
There are some foods that we, as human beings, collectively enjoy when deep fried in vats of cooking oil, like crispy chicken and French fries. A lot of these deep-fry choices make pretty good sense, while others are a bit more dubious, and push the bounds of what can actually be called “food.” Here’s a list of some of the most delicious deep-fried items around, and a few that might make you think
Study Suggests Eating Organic Food Makes You a Jerk
Study Suggests Eating Organic Food Makes You a Jerk
Study Suggests Eating Organic Food Makes You a Jerk
Someone who goes out of their way to eat organic food may be perceived to be smug. A new study published this week in the Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science has not only confirmed this stereotype, but found evidence to suggest eating organic food can actually make a person into a bit of a jerk.
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
10 Strange Ice Cream Flavors For Summer
HiStyley/pyrogenic/amanky, Flickr When the weather gets warmer, and you head out into the sun, you’re bound to eat a whole lot of ice cream. Of course, you could choose from the traditional flavors, like vanilla, chocolate, pistachio and rocky road. But ...
‘Boss Bacon Burger’ Will Fill Your Arteries With Bacon-y Goodness
‘Boss Bacon Burger’ Will Fill Your Arteries With Bacon-y Goodness
‘Boss Bacon Burger’ Will Fill Your Arteries With Bacon-y Goodness
We’ve watched the guys at Epic Meal Time make massive desserts. We’ve watched them make massive St. Patrick’s Day treats. And we’ve watched them make massive, yet amusing, fools out of themselves. Today, we watch them make the most massive bacon burger ever created by man. And we love them for it.
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
Sugar Is Making You Stupid
We all know that sugar can make you fat. But we eat it anyway because it’s really good. So what if we were to tell you sugar can also make you dumb? Would you put down your Big Gulp and step away from your Snickers?
Teen Discovers Finger In His Arby’s Sandwich
Teen Discovers Finger In His Arby’s Sandwich
Teen Discovers Finger In His Arby’s Sandwich
When you go to Arby’s you expect to get finger food like, say, tater tots with horsey sauce. What you don’t expect is to be served an actual finger. But, a human finger is exactly what one kid got in his junior roast beef sandwich.

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