It’s Okay Not to Be Okay Crossroads, Free Mental Health Fair June 24th
If you or someone you love struggles with mental health, Be Well Victoria and our Victoria County Health Department invite you to the It's Okay Not To Be Okay, Mental Health Fair, Saturday June 24th from 11am until 2pm at the Patti Dodson Health Center located at 2805 North Navarro.
This is another free event right here in the Crossroads, brought to you by Victoria County, because mental health is important to everyone, of all ages.
Plan to take a free yoga class an hour before the event at 10am as well!
The Community Engagement Team of the Victoria County Public Health Department would like to invite you to participate in this resource fair/informational event to talk about mental health and wellness, opioid abuse/prevention, and suicide prevention/awareness on Saturday June 24. Topics will also include Anti-Bullying Education as well.
There will be so many fun activities with plenty of things to do and see all to help bring mental health awareness to the community.
Just check this out!
Mark your calendars friends.
Now if you'd like to help support this event, if you're a business or a community member who'd like to be a part of this event to honor and educate the mental health struggle, the Victoria County Public Health Department would love to host you as a vendor.
Vendors/Booths may provide information, promotional items, activities promoting mental wellness, etc. If you’d like to provide an activity or need a separate area, or you’d like to donate an item for raffle, please contact Ashley Cano at 361-578-6281 ext. 3012. She is happy to answer questions as well. Vendor Set Up Times 10:00am-11:00am with Take Down/Clean Up starting at 2:00pm-3:00pm and lunch will be provided to vendors as well.