When a person in Texas decides to break a law there is a chance they could get away with it. But I can promise you that you don’t want to try, because in Texas when you do something illegal you are still held responsible for your actions. Which is something that I really love about Texas. But there are two men that are having to face their punishment soon as they will be executed for their crimes later this year.  

While law enforcement in Texas will hold you accountable for your actions, the crimes that were committed that put these guys on death row are absolutely horrible. They both now have their executions scheduled with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Ramiro Gonzales Set for Death in Texas 

Inmate Set for Execution
Texas Department of Criminal Justice

The execution of Ramiro Gonzales is set for June 26th, 2024, after being sentenced in 2006. Ramiro was found guilty of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an 18-year-old female before shooting and taking her life. The crime was committed on January 15th of 2001.  

Ruben Gutierrez Will Face Death for His Crimes in Texas 

Inmate Set for Execution
Texas Department of Criminal Justice

The execution of Ruben Gutierrez is set for July 16th, 2024, after he was sentenced in 1999. Ruben was found guilty with two other co-defendants for entering the home of an 85-year-old woman with the intention of robbing money from her safe. She was hit multiple times in the attack and died, the criminals left the scene with over $56,000.  

While these men being executed won’t bring the victims back, hopefully it can bring some closure to the families of the victims of these crimes.  

Texas Women Currently on Death Row

It's not too often that women in Texas get sentenced to death. Currently, of the 196 inmates sitting on death row, only 7 are women.

Gallery Credit: Texas Department of Criminal Justice

11 Individuals Put to Death for Crimes in Smith County, Texas

Here is a list of people who have been executed because of horrible crimes they committed in Smith County, Texas

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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