No Aggie Football Could Cost Texas $17 Million a Week
A recent survey of 500 businesses in the College Bryan/College Sation area showed that 48% of the money made in their economy comes from Texas A&M and its students.
Take Aggie home games out of the equation and the results could be devastating.
In a story reported by KBTW-TV, the economy of the communities of Bryan and College Sation will lose around $17 million for each home game that is not played. Why so much? Well, It's so much more than a game ticket and parking fees. It's hotel stays, restaurant visits, and so many more miscellaneous purchases that add up.

If we do the math, Bryan/College Station would lose just under $100 million dollars out of its economy this year. Businesses and hotels could close, having a devastating and long term effect. College football is a booming and necessary business for cities for which a University is located. How will this year play out? That remains to be seen.
With that being said, Texas A&M begins fall football practice today, which is great news, but what's next? Here is what we know so far, September 26th is the new kickoff for the SEC 2020 football season. Later on, this evening, we will find Texas A&M's 2020 football schedule with the official SEC announcement.
Just last week the Big 12 Conference released their schedule
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