One of our lucky graduates nominated below is going to win a $500 scholarship! There is still time to make a nomination! Use the button below to make your way over to the nomination page and tell us all about an amazing student that you know who is about to celebrate one of life's milestones. We are so proud of you guys!
Some of the entries below have been submitted by parents who have shared some very heartfelt tributes about their kids. We hope you enjoy watching the gallery grow with the entries of many special young men and women finishing their high school experience over the next couple of weeks.
If you sent us a submission and do not see it in the gallery it is likely some required information was missing from your submission. If we do not have a first and last name and a photo of the graduate we are not able to include their listing. Please re-submit and we will add them to the next update. Information sent to us about the grads is used as it is received. We can not go back and make edits to your submission. Please write carefully before submitting it.
Class of 2020: Senior Salutes Pt 3
Class of 2020: Senior Salutes
Grab the free station app so you can be first to see the winning graduate at the end of the month! Entries will be accepted until May 29th. Winning entry to be announced the following week. Keep scrolling to see even more Class of 2020 Senior Salutes!
KIXS 108: Class of 2020 Senior Salutes