Keeping students and teachers safe has become a hot button issue in the US since the Sandy Hook shooting in December.

Now, teachers are opening up about what they’d like to do to protect themselves in a School Improvement Network poll of nearly 11,000 educators from all 50 states.

More than 72% claim they would not bring a gun to school if it were okay to do so. Interestingly, 36% say they own a gun.

Almost 92% say they feel safe in school and nearly 95% say their students feel the same. Despite that high response rate, 31% believe their school is vulnerable to guns.

Since the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, 68% of schools have made changes to bolster safety, including installing door locking devices, increasing the amount of security cameras, adding safety drills and boosting police presence. Nearly 88% believe having an armed officer in the halls would make school safer.

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