Top Ten Things To Do This Weekend In The Crossroads
Have you ever heard someone say, " There isn't anything to do in the Crossroads?" Well, tell them they must live under a rock because right now, Victoria and our surrounding counties are BOOMING with art, music, history, and culture!
I mean just check out this list of our top ten things to do this weekend in the Crossroads this weekend alone!
We've got a challenge for you!
Do you think you can attend most of these events this weekend?
We've got a Chick-Fil-A gift set for one lucky winner if you go to the most events we've listed here this weekend!
Just send us a selfie of you there on our station app, win swag from Chick Fil- A not to mention some serious bragging rights! Don't have time to go to all of them? Go to as many as you'd like and YOU WILL STILL BE A WINNER because your attendance means support for each of these events now AND in the future!
Here they are! I've added the links to each of these events in blue for you to click on to make life easier for you and to get started on planning your weekend adventure! These are in order of dates and times only. I think they all deserve to be #1!
10. Encanto Movie Sing-Along Friday, July 8th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Victoria Public Library. We don't talk about Bruno! But we do talk about all the cool stuff the library does for the community!
9. Crossroads Art House Sip and Sew Be It, Friday, July 8th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. You will be seeing more amazing events coming from the Crossroads Art House in the future so be sure to follow them on Facebook!
8. Gem and Amythest Rock Fossil Show, Saturday, July 9th, and Sunday, July 10th from 9am to 5pm. This will be the first selfie I take tomorrow. I can't wait to check it out at the Hilton! I'm ready to rock and roll. How about YOU?
7. Victoria Farmer's Market, Saturday, July 9th from 9 am to 12 pm at Patti Dodson. Our market continues to grow! Did you know they even have an Indian food booth on Wednesdays? Always something new and super fresh!
6. Goliad Market Days, hosted one weekend every month, don't miss this Saturday @ Goliad Square from 9 am to 3 pm. Something for everyone and a great way to support local artisans!
5. The Museum of the Coastal Bend is hosting KIDStory Saturday from 11 am to 3 pm. Take a chance at throwing the atlatl while you are there! Yep, there is really something called an atlatl!
4. Viva La Vida Frida Festival, Main Street at Casa Luna, Saturday, June 9th, from 5 to 10 pm. About a month ago I was downtown shopping on a Saturday and seriously teared up at how many people were on the sidewalks doing the exact same thing! So many amazing people behind the new vibe of downtown Victoria! Bravo to each of you!
3. Ladies, I just HAD to add this. It's HUNKS -The Show at 5D Steakhouse in Port O'Connor Saturday Night, 7 pm.
All I have to say is SEE YOU THERE!
2. GO SEE JP! Okay come on, I can't work with DJ JP on the morning show and not promote his event!That's what big sisters do! Saturday, 9:30 to 2 am at The 80's Bar!
1. Bark at the Park- Bring Your Dog to see the Generals, Sunday, July 10th, 7 to 10 pm. Victoria is slowly becoming more pet friendly and it's events like these that really promote the growth of our community! I mean come on, we even have our own kick butt baseball team! Free admission with pet and a pet costume contest too.
Whatever you do this weekend, we hope you have fun and DON'T GET OVERHEATED! We are looking at 103 degrees on Sunday!
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