Victoria County Jail Dealing With COVID-19
As COVID numbers continue to climb throughout Texas as well as in Victoria one of the greatest concerns in relation to the disease is close quarters where more chances for spread can occur.
Even with the strictest disinfecting practices, common areas can be contaminated and the result, like the one our Victoria County Jail is currently experiencing, can occur.
According to a recent Crossroads Today article, there are currently five positive cases of COVID within the staff of deputies and five positive cases within the inmate community as well.
At this time, according to the report, two hundred and fifty three inmates have been moved to quarantine as well as having the five jailers quarantine at home until additional test results show they can return to normal activities.
According to the mandate from the Texas Commission on Jail Standard's Facebook page here, all new inmate intakes are tested by taking temperatures prior to entrance and transport.
This outbreak has not hindered unaffected law enforcement from performing duties including making arrests, transporting and processing suspected criminals.

READ MORE: See how some companies are changing their businesses to combat COVID-19
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