Victoria Family Distraught After an Intense Local Dental Experience
One mother's concerns turned into an online nightmare. Mica Bones took her children to a dental checkup and was left distraught. She posted an online review detailing the situation, where commentators began to voice their concern and their own troubling experiences.
Highly Reviewed Dental Company
Victoria Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics holds an impressive 4.8 Star Google Rating. They strive for great service and reference their rating in a statement with Townsquare saying, "Our 4.8 Star Google Rating is evidence of our excellent track record in providing safe and comfortable care for our community."
Clients rave about service and comfort on their site, however, there are definitely more than a handful of troubling reviews from clients.
Seen On the Spot
In her last visit, Mica revealed she had taken her kids in for their regular 6-month check-up and informed them they had cavities that could be worked on that day. Without any resistance, she had them seen on the spot.
Crying and Shaking
Her 7-year-old son went first. He quickly had two caps put on while she settled her other children into their check-up. After the procedure, her 7-year-old was in a lot of pain, "He was crying and shaking and I couldn't get him to calm down."
5-Year-Old's Procedure
As she attempted to comfort and calm her son down, her 5-year-old daughter began her procedure. Mica had one of her older daughters stay in the room with her 5-year-old while she was out.
Victoria Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Response
Tarek Aly, Spokesman for Victoria Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics explained, "It is our understanding in the current situation, the child's parent elected not to accompany their child during the treatment phase of their visit, as they were tending to their other children at the time. But, it should be noted, they were welcome to participate at all times."
Troubling Scene
After settling her other children down, she was finally able to join her daughter mid-procedure, she noticed something troubling. The doctor was finishing up her last crown which she described as "cramming into her face." Mica also described the rough handling, "He was using both thumbs to push down the crown and was holding on to her jaw with both hands in a tough way..."
Children Respond Differently
Spokesman Aly pointed out, "Despite our best efforts, dental treatment for anxious children can be unpredictable, and each child reacts to dental treatment differently."
However, Mica felt disturbed and turned to her older daughter who had been in the room and asked, "Did that seem normal?" only to have her older daughter reply, "No, she was in a lot of pain, I couldn't even watch."
The distraught mother immediately announced they were done for the day only to be informed he had already put caps on 5 teeth and was finishing up.
After everyone wrapped up their procedures, they headed to their car. As Mica was putting her 5-year-old daughter in her car seat she noticed something on her neck. "My daughter has bruises on her neck from his hands." She said she broke down crying right then and there. "We all went home crying. They cried for about an hour once we got home."
A Confused Mother
A detail Mica relayed was the dentist and she had agreed to do one side of her daughter's mouth(which had three cavities), then if her 5-year-old is handling it well, they can possibly do the other side(3 more cavities.) However, Mica noticed the dentist gave her daughter a numbing shot on both sides of her daughter's mouth from the get-go.
Ongoing Investigation
Victoria Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics have an ongoing investigation. Each treatment room has a security camera for the safety of everyone involved. They have reviewed camera footage of the dental visit and concluded, "No patient was mistreated at any point of their visit by any team member."
However, they will continue to investigate " to ensure every patient has an amazing experience every time."