Workforce Solution Golden Crescent Unemployment Stats and Information
When Victorian's are looking for job information, whether it's to find a job or to file unemployment, Victorians turn to Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent located at 120 Main in Victoria. Perusing their website, there is a plethora of information available for those who are looking for the most up to date employment information in Victoria and surrounding counties.
As national and state regulations mandate that during the COVID-19 pandemic non essential businesses temporarily close their doors and essential businesses adjust to social distancing while all businesses adjust to lost revenue, Workforce Solution GC is seeing record high phone inquiries and unemployment claims.
According to Henry Guajardo at Workforce Solutions GC, they now receive an average of 400 calls a day. Internal reports show an expected incline of unemployment claims from Victoria and the surrounding counties that Workforce Solution Golden Crescent serves, including; Jackson, Lavaca, DeWitt, Calhoun, Goliad and Gonzales counties.
" The first week of March we saw 40 claims, by the third week, we saw 350. On the fourth week, 740 claims but again, on the 5th week which included the last three days in March through April 4th there was a small decline, and there were only 522 claims."
Mr. Guajardo goes on to offer that of the 740 claims,150 were in the food service industry and surprisingly, 140 were in health care. " Remember, there are many elective services that patients were advised to postpone in health care industry such as optometry and dentistry." Mr. Guajardo offers. "Additionally; commercial, retail, hotel and motel as well as oil and gas industries were most effected in March."
Mr. Guajardo offers this tip, "With the high volume of calls, please know the GC Workforce Solution office can not help you with unemployment claims."
Instead, all inquires are advised to call 1.800.939.6631
If you are seeking employment, Mr. Guajardo recommends you start online at
Due to the high call volumes nationally and statewide, the Texas Workforce Solutions offices are hiring to help service the historic call volume and offer that in the next few weeks it will be easier to get questions and claims answered in a more timely manner.
Online applications are open 24/7 and Mr. Guajardo advises that for those individuals needing to fill out unemployment applications, the least busiest hours are after 9pm which can help applicants who are experiencing timing out or lagging delays such as in this video of the Texas Workforce Commission interview hosted by KXAN.
" We are all working together and doing our very best." He wants those who are served by Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent to know that they here for you and that they hear you. The state of Texas and federal government agencies have offered some reprieve for those who are unemployed by waiving the weekly job search requirement reports and extending unemployment insurance from 26 to 39 weeks. "The State of Texas and the Texas Workforce Commission are working very hard to beef-up the Unemployment Insurance call centers, adding 400 additional lines and training local staff from all 28 Workforce Boards to help field calls. Remember, all 50 states are dealing with the same issues Texas is...unprecedented call volume. Meanwhile, our local offices are assisting job seekers in finding jobs, helping employed essential workers with child care assistance and supporting our employers with layoff aversion, incumbent worker training, and tax credit opportunities. " Mr. Guajardo says.
"Our staff is the most dedicated and talented in the state and we will overcome this pandemic with you...our friends, our neighbors, our customers." Mr. Guajardo offers lastly.