A Bet, a BBQ, a Bunch of Bald Heads
A bet is a bet, right?
The Nasty Cookers BBQ Team entered a BBQ cook off at Colet Inn this past weekend. The cook off benefited LJ Chumchal, who is battling Hodgkins Lymphoma. The bet was that if the Nasty Cookers won, they would allow LJ to shave their heads.
The Nasty Cookers won and they kept their promise, stood in line, and waited for LJ to shave their heads, one at a time. The second place team KATO agreed to do the same thing. It was so amazing to see these guys be there for their friend LJ. At the event, you could really feel the love all of these people have for LJ and the energy was amazing. There were so many people there that came out to show their support for LJ.
If you don’t know LJ, let me tell you, he is a guy who is always telling you something to make you laugh. He's generous and has a heart of gold. If you don't know this guy, I hope you're lucky enough to have the chance to meet him.
After the event, LJ said that he can’t even begin to repay the love and compassion he felt from his friends and family. The cancer weighs on his mind and seeing his friends smiling, having a good time, and the love he felt from everyone did more for him mentally than anyone can imagine. He said he can’t wait to be back with his friends, having a few adult beverages and good laughs. He guarantees this event was the time of his life and he thanks everyone for the support.
My wish for you, my friend LJ: "Smiles when sadness intrudes, comfort on difficult days, rainbows to follow the clouds, sunsets to warm your heart, laughter to kiss your lips, hugs when spirits sag, friendship to brighten your being, beauty for your eyes to see, faith so that you cam believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, love to complete your life." -Anonymous
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