Check Out This Killer Victoria Family Who Wins At Halloweening

Our hunt for the best Halloween decorations in the Crossroads started and stopped at just one house.
Picking up my granddaughters from Scholemmer Elementary is something I relish and we are almost always deep in conversation by the time we leave the carpool line so my curiosity was piqued when the girls started in loudly with begging me, " Can we go see the big cat, please please please?" They couldn't talk fast enough to convince me to stop and listen carefully to their pleading. They started pointed and freaking out. The big cat I would learn was right across from their playground.
It turns out the 'big cat' they were talking about was also just the beginning of our adventure!
As we rounded the corner of Terra Vista Ranch Road, I knew we were in for something amazing. You see, the big cat was just the beginning of the Halloween decorations that the Bigler family at 105 Terra Vista Ranch Road have in store for the Crossroads as well as trick or treaters on Halloween.
It turns out that the Bigler Halloween decorating ringmaster, Dad, Kurt Bigler goes big every holiday and Halloween is just the beginning.
The Bigler's might be new to Victoria but they are very familiar with award-winning decorating.
In fact, Kurt has won big awards in the big city of Houston where the Bigler's are from. The best part of the decorations is that the Bigler's hope to get their new neighbors as well as the new neighborhood inspired to decorate for the holidays. " I hope we get kids out here for trick or treating," Kurt offers. "This is really for the kids," he smiles. But come on, these decorations are so over the top, literally some taller than the top of his house, you can clearly see Kurt takes as much joy as a kid would in decorating. And that works for us! " We love a community feel, and that's what we are trying to do, to bring everyone together. In Houston our neighbors became our family, that's a part of what we are trying to do here," Kurt offers.
Kurt says more people are stopping by every day. In fact, most recently some of the classes at Scholemmer have taken a walking field trip to see the display! I hope one of them was my granddaughters' class!
The Biglers' Win Halloween In the Crossroads
The Bigler House Goes Big for Halloween
We bet you were wondering what it looks like all put together. For that you'll have to go by and see for yourself! Happy Halloween Crossroads and thank you Biglers for going big on Halloween!
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