Flashback Friday Workplace Karaoke on Q92!
Who is a fan of the Flashback Friday Lunchbox? If you are, have some fun with it at work. Starting this Friday, I will be introducing the Flashback Friday Workplace Karaoke. Every Friday I will give a title of a song and the time I will play it. When that song starts to play, pull out your camera and record a video of you and your co-workers singing along. You can post it on our KQVT Facebook page. A winner will be selected at the end of every show and the winning video will be posted on our Facebook page and you will a win a pizza party for lunch the next Monday. You will get 2 pizzas from the place of your choice and I will deliver to your workplace. The Flashback Friday Lunchbox presented by SCS Vape is every Friday at noon.
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