Gov. Abbott Just Announced A Pause in Reopening Texas
Whoa, Texas. Gov. Abbott just announced that Texas needs to hold it's horses.
With COVID-19 cases surging throughout Texas, in both metro and rural communities, Gov. Abbott has just issued a PAUSE to REOPENING TEXAS PHASES just moments ago; “The last thing we want to do as a state is go backwards and close down businesses. This temporary pause will help our state corral the spread until we can safely enter the next phase of opening our state for business,” Gov. Greg Abbott says.
You can read the announcement in its entirety here or by visiting Office of the Texas Governor online.
In addition, some counties most heavily impacted by the surge, such as Bexas, Dallas, Harris and Travis county, are being mandated by Gov. Abbott to stop all elective surgeries beginning June 26th in order for hospital beds to remain open and available for incoming COVID-19 patients. There are over 5,000 plus new reported cases of COVID-19 in Texas. Victoria County is at a record high with a total of 414 cases confirmed in our community. Yesterday at 5pm, 45 new cases were reported in Victoria County. Again, city officials have stated the increased number of confirmed cases is DUE TO EXPOSURE, not to more testing availability. Visit for the latest COVID-19 information in our area.
Stay home if you can, especially if you are not feeling well. We are encouraged to wear our masks in public as well as washing our hands more frequently and only coming into public settings when deemed necessary.
Businesses can operate as they have been, as long as they are in compliance with the current Re-Open Texas phases and Victoria city officials have stated that requiring customers to wear masks when entering business establishments is acceptable.
Let's all take a pause to reflect on our personal safety standards and how we could possibly help to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
How can I stay safe while grocery shopping? And answers to 24 other coronavirus questions