It’s So Hot in TX Even Rattlesnakes Are Cooling Off In The Water

Nothing like seeing a rattlesnake in the middle of a Texas lake when you're trying to cool off in the water too!
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department featured this snake video for its #WildlifeWednesday post on Facebook on Wednesday, August 3.
Park officials offered in their caption that "most snakes can swim" and then included that in their experience, snakes are not interested in humans. "If you leave them alone, they'll be on their way," officials said.
I don't know about you, but any snake in the water will be left alone by me! But now I have a whole new fear of what's in dark water! I had no idea rattlesnakes enjoyed a hot summer swim!
Why why why would rattlesnakes be in the water?
This is a common occurrence in Texas for several reasons; if a rattlesnake is being chased by a predator, it may swim across a river to get away. Or, if it is hungry and there are no animals on land to eat, it may swim out to an island in search of food.
Check out how this Texas Momma reacts when a rattler gets close to the boat.
Check out how this Momma reacts when the rattler gets close to her son's boat in the middle of O.H. Ivie Lake near San Angelo. Can we also talk about how fast it looks like this rattler can travel in the water? Thanks but no thanks!
In Texas, the Western rat snake, the checkered garter snake, the rough earth snake, the diamondback water snake, and the Texas coral are the top five snakes you'll likely see out and about in summer!
Bonus info: Yes rattlesnakes and cottonmouths can and will bite underwater if provoked. You can read more about that fun fact by clicking here.
Do you know how many rattlesnakes are on the beaches in Texas?
Check this out! You will lose your mind!!!
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