Kanye West Flips Out, Says Business Card Is Life-Threatening
A business card. That’s the reason that rapper Kanye West had a fan ejected from one of his gigs in Washington. Turns out the offending piece of paper could be an instrument of certain death, at least in West’s opinion.
The Sun reports that Yeezy went nuts when a business card was thrown on stage while he was performing. He was so incensed that he threatened to have the entire section from which the card was thrown ejected. ‘Ye even said that the act of tossing the biz card on stage was life-threatening! That’s a little extreme, isn’t it?
West allegedly swiped the card from the ground and asked, “Who’s card is this? We risking our lives up here. You can’t go throwing s— that we gonna slip on.” While we’re a bit more inclined to think that commercial fisherman and Navy SEALS are risking their lives in their occupations, we’ve never heard of death-by-business-card, either.
That said, we can appreciate the rapper’s sentiment that he could slip on something on the stage, especially if it had become wet with water while hydrating as he performed, and get hurt.
He finished his rant, saying, “I see it come from that direction. Unless one person raises their hand and says ‘I’m the one who did it’, all that whole section gotta go.”
Sounds like Yeezy was having a bad a— day, to borrow a phrase from his vocab.
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