Plastic Surgeon Crafts Pointed Ears for Spock Fans [VIDEO]
These days, you can get plastic surgery on just about anything.
Want a million-dollar caboose a la Kim Kardashian? Done. Don't like the shape of your chin? Not a problem. Want to channel Mr. Spock via elf-shaped ears? Err -- yeah, at least one surgeon in Tempe, AZ, has got the 'Star Trek' department covered now.
Avid Trekkies have tried to create the sci-fi look since the TV show took off in the '60s, but only recently have they been able to look the part via surgery.
According to Tempe's Steve Haworth, a body modification artist, the procedure involves cutting the ear's cartilage and then sewing it back together to form a point. The painful surgery costs about $600 for both, takes 20 minutes to complete and is irreversible.
[ABC News]