Texas Parents Terrified After School Loses Track of Child on Bus
Two texas parents were faced with a very terrifying situation. Cecilia Gomez, the mother of a 7-year-old El Paso girl Mia, sent her daughter to school on the bus for the first time. A technical problem happened that morning and bus numbers changed, so Gomez informed her daughter about the change and instructed her to take a new bus number for her ride home.
At the end of the school day, Gomez waited at the bus stop to pick up her daughter, however, the bus quickly came and left with no sign of her daughter. Immediately, she felt something was wrong and quickly headed to the girl's school.
Panicked Gomez arrived at the school to find where her daughter was but officials didn’t know which bus she had gotten on.
“They were just kind of like, they didn’t know what to tell me because they didn’t have an answer for me,” Gomez said.
School officials began looking at security footage to find out which bus the girl got on. During this time, the little girl's father began looking for her. He went straight to the bus yard to ask drivers if they remember seeing her.
A driver recognized her and remembered dropping her off at a trailer park. Almost two hours into the search, the father quickly headed to the trailer park and began looking around. He went inside the leasing office and that's when he found his daughter sitting inside.
Mia sat next to her mother in an interview as she described her daughter's reaction, "She was just like 'thank you for finding me' and that just broke my heart, of course, we're going to find you."
According to her mother, the school district has no answers nor have they apologized to the worried family.