BOOM BABY Fireworks Are BACK ON For Victoria County July 4th

Great news for the July 4th holiday! Thanks to the rain we've had recently as well as more precipitation on the way, Victoria County Judge, Ben Zeller has CANCELED THE BURN BAN AND DISASTER DECLARATION!
This means YOU CAN NOW POP FIREWORKS! Happy July 4th Y'all!
A Disaster Declaration Has Been Issued for Victoria County effective now through the July 4th holiday.
No private fireworks this year, sorry Crossroads.
But really, better safe than sorry!
Effective Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 Victoria County Judge Ben Zeller issued a Disaster Declaration for Victoria County detailing the extreme drought conditions and prohibiting the sale and/or use of fireworks within Victoria County.
This means no fireworks will be allowed in the city or throughout Victoria county this July 4th 2022.
However, you can still enjoy the City of Victoria fireworks display still planned for July 4th at the Victoria Community Center!
The City of Victoria Parks & Recreation will host it's annual Fourth of July celebration—featuring a car show, live music, a cornhole tournament, and fireworks show synced to music on July 4 at the Victoria Community Center grounds.
The fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m.
Residents can download the Sky Wonder Pyrotechnics app to listen to music synced to the show. The music will also be broadcast over the loudspeakers.
The show will be broadcast live on municipal cable channel TV15 (channels 15 and 115 and online at and on Facebook at City of Victoria, Texas – Government.
So what exactly does this disaster declaration mean for Victoria County?
Please follow the link below for a short public service announcement from Victoria County Judge, Judge Ben Zeller.
Crossroads, please be both safe and smart when it comes to this declaration.
Sadly, fireworks can create serious fire damage quickly to persons and property.
If you are caught popping fireworks in the City of Victoria or throughout Victoria County, according to the Disaster Declaration that went into effect yesterday June 21st and will continue through the July 4th holiday, you can be subjected to a Class C Misdemeanor and a fine up to $500.00.
We know, we are bummed too, so we will see you at the Victoria Community Center this holiday to enjoy a safe and contained fireworks show!
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