Victoria Crime Stoppers need our help locating a wanted person. Her name is Sandra Rivera Ortigoza, and she has an outstanding warrant for Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity and Forgery of a Financial Instrument.

Sandra is a forty year old, Hispanic female. She is 5 feet 1 inches tall and weighs 195 pounds. Authorities say she has a number of aliases that she's used in the past, including Sandra Rivera Ramirez, Sandra Martinez, and Sandra Deleon Ramirez, just to name a few.

Victoria Crime Stoppers
Victoria Crime Stoppers










Victoria Crime Stoppers
Victoria Crime Stoppers









If you have information about this person, contact Victoria Crime Stoppers at 361-572-4200.  If the information you give Crime Stoppers leads to an arrest or charges being filed, you can earn a cash reward.

Crime Stoppers Pays.

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