Victoria Mother Tragically on Life Support From Massive Aneurysm
"She was the life of the party with the most infectious laugh." This is how Cayce Sala is described by her closest loved ones. Cayce Sala is a mom, a daughter, a sister, a fiancé, and a friend. However, in just days, her life will come to a heartbreaking end.
Cayce went into De Tar North on July 18th complaining of stomach pain, and vomiting; which she assumed was from a ruptured ovarian cyst. She had gone through this pain in the past, but it became unbearable.
Her throat was in pain, however, she assumed the pain was from vomiting. DeTar performed an ultrasound of her right leg, and gave her something for pain; she was then sent home.
Four days later, she was getting worse and her father, Terry Sala, advised her to go to Citizens Hospital for a second opinion, which she does. Once she was checked into Citizens they realized she had strep throat, was septic, and needed to be transferred to St. David's Medical Center in Austin.
Cayce has a history of heart problems, she has an aluminum aortic valve and due to an infection, she needed it replaced immediately.
Fast-forward to July 26, and Cayce was settled in St. Davids still battling her illness. Her father Terry was in the room with her when she suddenly grabs the right side of her head and begins to cry. She then cries out "my head hurts, my head hurts." Cayce has a history of getting awful migraines, so she was given medication for the pain.
After taking the medicine she fell asleep however, it worried her father just how quickly she knocked out, not soon after she began to make loud snoring sounds, different from anything he's ever heard from his daughter.
It turned out, that her father's fears turned into reality. The infection inside Cayce had quickly traveled to her brain, causing an aneurysm. It was so massive that it pushed her brain 13 millimeters to the side. Her brain stem also became damaged to the point there was no brain activity.
Her family was devastated. To see someone so precious become lifeless creates a type of pain only those that have experienced it could ever imagine.
"She was a stick of dynamite in a firecracker body," her father described her.
Currently, Cayce is on life support. She will be rolled into the operating room one last time to have her organs removed so that she could have one last astounding moment to save another precious life.
"She was tinie tiny, but larger than life," says her father Terry.
Once her organs have been harvested, she will be taken off life support and will quickly pass away on the OR table. Devastatingly, her life was cut short in just a matter of days. She will be missed by her family, fiancé, 7-year-old son, and the community that surrounds her. As her mother describes, "This world is gonna be a little less awesome without her."
Cayce had no insurance or life insurance so the family has created a GoFundMe page. If you would like to donate to help defray costs CLICK HERE.