One Of The Biggest Largemouth Bass in TX History Has Been Caught

Everything Really Is Bigger In Texas Especially Our Bass
There are tears being shed all over Texas waters today as Jason Conn, a professional bass fisherman, and a local Lake Fork Texas guide takes the prize for his fish catching a whopping 17.03-pound Largemouth Bass, making it one of the largest to hit the scales in Texas history!
Conn’s bass is considered a Legacy Class Lunker with the Toyota ShareLunker Program through the Texas Parks and Wildlife, which is the highest class they offer.
This beast happens to be the eighth-heaviest Texas Largemouth bass caught in the state’s history!
So quite literally on a scale of one through ten, Conn is a solid 8 and this bass at 17.03 pounds is about as solid as it gets too!
So you might be wondering how much the actual largest largemouth bass ever caught in Texas was... well Conn's bass is just a little over a pound away from being number one. The largest bass caught in Texas weighed 18.18 pounds.
I am now in the top 10 with the biggest bass ever caught in the state of Texas and only 2 fish this size caught in the last 30 yearsFacebook“So unreal and I am still in shock.”