Tips For Working From Home Starting with Water and Writing
As more and more Americans are waking up and starting their workday from home we thought we'd offer some various tips to make the transition of working from home a little easier. It might seem novel if not a tad bit naughty now as we get away with writing reports in our pajamas, but in the weeks ahead, it might not feel as fun. In fact, being out of our element can become downright boring and unhealthy quickly. It's a good idea to start some healthy habits right off the bat.
Let's tackle a few tips at a time by starting what we think might be the hardest part in the beginning; just getting motivated.
Ironically there is a lot of advice online that indicates staying AWAY from your screen is one of the best ways to start your workday! It makes sense though as turning your phones on or your computer screens first thing every morning can often lead us down the dreaded "rabbit hole" as well as putting strain on our eyes first thing in the morning, taking us farther and farther away from our productivity goals.
Our suggestion is to pour yourself a tall glass of water first thing when you wake up and and then grabbing a paper tablet to write down your objectives for the day. Well, brush your teeth is probably second but then grab a writing tablet! You get the idea.
First water... Water removes toxins from the body so drinking more of it could help from toxins building up in your system. Water helps to hydrate you and literally gets the juices flowing. Interestingly enough there are pros and cons to whether your water should be hot or cold when you drink it, so check this link out by My Own Water for some fun facts regarding water temperature benefits.
Writing it down... Maybe you haven't seen the neuroscience behind the benefits of writing your goals and objectives down daily, like this riveting report from Management 30 but writing your goals and objectives down on paper offers the benefit of a 42 percent increase in the chance you will achieve your goals! Plus writing down your goals first thing in the morning before the kids get up and things get busy offers you some quiet clarity you don't normally get even on your hour commute to work.
Tomorrow we will offer you some work and exercise apps to help your workday flow, and no, we haven't found an app to keep the kids fed, educated and entertained throughout the entire day but we promise to post it the second we do!
Here is more information regarding working from home from the Harvard Business Review.

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