With the restrictions of the current COVID-19 pandemic, residents of nursing home have become very isolated and it's very sad. Imagine not being able to hug your mom order dad for four months.
In a story reported by KPRC2 Click2Houston, Steven Crenshaw and his wife, Amber, who work at Unlimited Love Cottages of the Woodlands created 'The Hugging Booth'
The couple came up wi
This past weekend was Prom 2020 "Dancing With the Stars" at Schroeder Hall and it was AWESOME! As a private DJ, I had started to look for a way to put on a prom after it was cancelled due to COVID. Luckily I ran in to Jennifer Rayburn, who had the same passion about putting on a prom for this years Class of 2020...
Many Crossroads Seniors have celebrated some sort of graduation ceremony, but Senior year is not over yet. There is still one more thing for you to do. PROM!
This Week Schroeder Hall, JP Productions, Danny Vivan Photography, Crossroads VIP Booth alongside the guidance of Jennifer Rayburn and many other volunteers present a three night prom event...
Show Your Support For Crossroads Seniors, They Are So Deserving. Here is a way to " Adopt" Them. Congratulations Seniors! You Are Loved! YOU ARE AWESOME 2020!