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It's getting hot out here and that means it's time to tube Texas! 

You can keep your speed demon, wedgy-wielding, sky-high, water park rides. Just hand me a tube Texas, it's time to ride!

Now we are going to likely have an argument about this if you are a tubing aficionado because every self-proclaimed " River Rat" has a favorite river to float. If you've never been tubing before, just know that for most of my youth I was terrified of tubing. Literally freaked out in the dark water but over the last few years, I've gone with friends and family and have had the time of my life. Turns out there aren't too many sharks in the rivers after all.

I've even been known to slap a bag or two along the way.

South Bridge Street Live/Facebook
South Bridge Street Live/Facebook

Oh, you don't know what "slapping the bag is?" Honey, you've got to click the link to a funny video here. I promise you won't be disappointed!

I made that video in the link after a group of fun-loving ladies from Chicago came to Texas a few years ago and I witnessed my first encounter with slapping the bag. Tubing hasn't been the same for me since. Wink 

Of course, that's only when I'm on an all-girls trip and not with the kiddos!

Ingra Lee
Ingra Lee

There are several rivers to tube in Texas; the Guadalupe, San Marcos, Frio, Comal and here are two I haven't floated yet; Blanco and Perdanales just to name a few.

Here are a few pics from New Braunsfels River

Ingra Lee
Ingra Lee

I like a little action when I tube. Let me restate that. I like a little river action when I tube. Dangit. One more time. I like to tube where there are exciting levies and waterfalls to float through.

For me, the best river to take my tube in Texas is hands down, San Marcos. 

The water is cool, fed from the Edwards Aquifer with an average temp of 72 degrees but not overbearingly cold ( sorry Frio),  plus you can enter to float for free at San Marcus Park and there are small waterfalls to ride over and over again at the end of the river ride. Tubing San Marcos lasts on average an hour so you can ride it twice or three times in a day.

Ready to tube?

Check out these popular Texas river links for ComalFrio, BlancoPerdanales, or our nearest and dearest Guadalupe rivers and of course San Marcos.

One final note: A portion of the San Marcos River is being repaired. Be sure to check websites to see when all parts of the river reopened, likely in May.

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