Justin Bieber Wants to Star in ‘Fear’ Remake
File this under news we seriously never saw coming: Justin Bieber reportedly wants to star in a remake of ‘Fear.’ The original 1996 film starred Mark Wahlberg as the unhealthily obsessed (huge understatement) boyfriend of Reese Witherspoon.
It seems to be an extreme leap for the squeaky clean Bieber. We’re taking the rumors with a grain of salt until they’re further substantiated, but for what it’s worth, here’s the scoop.
An anonymous source told MovieWeb that the Biebs has been going over numerous film ideas and that his ultimate role model is rapper-turned-Oscar nominee Mark Wahlberg. While the source also said that any potential remakes would be toned down to a PG-13 rating, Bieber is “obsessed” with the original R-rated version.
To give you an idea of why pulling off the role may be difficult for the polished, gentlemanly Bieber, consider what the original ‘Fear’ entailed (warning: it’s graphic and disturbing). Wahlberg’s character, David McCall, rapes a girl played by Alyssa Milano, beheads a family pet, performs a sexual act on Witherspoon’s character on a roller coaster, beats himself up, carves tattoos into his own skin, breaks one man’s neck and threatens to shoot another. We had nightmares just typing that!
We can’t picture Bieber doing anything close to what we just described, even just in a film. However, it would certainly be a challenge for him, which may be what he wants. Another motivation for a remake? Bieber already has connections to the actor formerly known as Marky Mark: Wahlberg cast Bieber in his upcoming basketball film.
While we don’t doubt Bieber is talented enough to pull off a dark role like David McCall, we somehow think a flick about shooting hoops is a slightly better fit.